

A Servant Leadership Imperative for Christendom Enhancement

Dr. Madana Kumar, PhD


Just when you think the last word about leadership has been written, a new book comes along combining insights from the past but extending our consideration further. Dr Madana Kumar makes just such a contribution. Given our still fully-to-be-redeemed hearts his focus on servant leadership, modelled and taught by our master, Jesus, is one which needs to be constantly reiterated. He does so, with a unique blend of biblical and historical insight, contemporary leadership research and practical application. Many will find the last of these especially useful in improving their own character and leadership skills. He writes with the authority of an experienced leader in business, an academic researcher and, above all, a humble disciple of Jesus. The book will edify many wise leaders but revolutionise the thinking of many others who think that leadership is about lording it over others. Buy it, read it and give it to others!

Dr. Derek Tidball, PhD
Former Principal,
London School of Theology.
Adjunct Faculty at South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS)

Madana’s book title at the very start makes the reader curious. “Not-so-with-you” lifestyle is the only response to by leaders who are so driven to serve. He clearly outlines the style of a “difference maker”, in the post pandemic days. The winner of the season is the one who is value focused, significance driven and are in addition others-centered. Madana has backed up his content with much research findings. This is not just a make-you-feel-good read but pushes you to put it to practice. A must read for all who want to lead with purpose in the new normal.

Jaya Abraham,
Transformational Leadership Coach and Consultant. Loves People.

Jesus Christ changed the leadership paradigm with His “Not so with you” teaching. The call to turn attention from self to turning attention to another makes servants out of the ones who are called to lead. Dr. Madana Kumar expounds this paradigm skilfully in his book. He traverses through geographies and time, exploring its application within the Church by its leaders, who were to be the first practitioners. The weaknesses and the failure in the implementation of this teaching is a clarion call to the present day Church, which has the additional burden of leading while wading through a pandemic.

Capt. Jose Oomen,
– Training and Church Engagement
(South & Southeast Asia, Middle East & East Africa) for Lifeway India

While Servant Leadership is widely accepted in Christian and secular leadership contexts, it is rarely practiced well. In part that can be attributed to a lack of understanding of what it really means to serve. Dr Kumar has wisely explored the history of leadership in the church and given attention to leadership failure, which then serves as an excellent platform for his detailed and practical exposition of the requisite attributes of a servant leader. This is a book to be ‘grazed’ and often referred to, rather than to be read cover to cover.

Dr. John Buchanan, PhD
Management Consultant,
Pastor and Theological Lecturer in Leadership and Ethics

Glad to see a book on practical leadership based on Biblical values brought out by Madana Kumar. He has rightly zeroed in on the problem of managing power as the greatest issue in leadership. After discussing the issue of power Madana has dealt with the philosophical issue of  work, life and its meaning. Is life about success or about meaning. This was the question that led me out of darkness over 40 years ago and I am glad it is addressed. After dealing with conceptual issues the second half of the book is practical and down to earth, giving tools and methods of how to put into practice the things you have now understood. I endorse the book highly to all who want to understand the nitty gritty of Servant Leadership.

Prem Kumar Lee (PKD Lee)
Teacher extraordinaire in Christian Leadership, 

Stewardship, Resource Mobilisation and Generosity, ex-Haggai Institute

Not-so-with-you shows the way forward by explaining how fallen mankind misinterpreted and misused God’s command to lead, commanding, controlling and chasing success, while our Lord demonstrated that it is through serving that one leads, and that significance is derived from building others up – just as He through suffering and death brought several to life and victory. Dr Kumar explains how servant leadership can be practiced effectively by developing behaviors based on transformation that Christ brings about in one’s life. I would recommend this book to all who desire excellence and are willing to obey – particularly to every Christian who wants to make his life count.

George Ninan
Served in several global leadership positions in Campus Crusade for Christ,

South and South-east Asia covering 11 countries (including India),
where about one third of the world population lives

I had the privilege to know Dr Madana Kumar through my association with the course on Leadership in SAIACS as a guest faculty. What impressed me was his simplicity, transparency and humility. He has neatly divided the book into 3 sections – Biblical base, ecclesiological base of the good and bad models on leadership and then ends with the application. It not only analyzes the problem of leadership but also provides the remedy. His personal journey adds weightage to his subject. The title “Not so with you” exemplifies the style of Christ’s leadership model for his followers. It’s a must read for every aspiring leader.

Stanley Mehta
Author, Ministered through Bombay Baptist  Church for four decades.
Planted several scores of Churches through Gateway Ministries International,
Set up several NGOs for the marginalised.

“NOT SO WITH YOU” the title of Dr.Madana’s book itself challenges and ignites thought process taking us into deep spiritual contemplation, adds more fuel, when we apply it in the context of Servant Leadership. Carefully crafted taking us on a journey in exploring God’s heart on Leadership from a Spiritual perspective. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are filled with impressions from the worldview. Thank you, Dr.Madana for placing Biblical Impressions that should transform every readers understanding talking to the Soul and calling our attention to a Soul conversation with our Creator. Just  a glance through or one reading will not suffice, I recommend take time, soak it, mull over it, and reflect. Pray that it should transform our understanding and produce a new generation of God’s servants.

Anand Joshua,
Executive Director, Christian Institute of Management.

My first impression of Dr. Madana was formed when we both facilitated a “Lead Like Jesus” workshop. He was sharing his experience of how GOD guided him in caring for his mother, bathing and nursing her during her last days on the earth. The silent tears in his eyes displayed his pure emotions. I caught a glimpse of scriptures in action!

Interestingly, I was reading a book on “Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership” when Dr. Madana requested a review on his book “NOT-SO-WITH-YOU”. I was pleasantly surprised how GOD helped me find solutions in “NOT-SO-WITH-YOU” to some of the challenges posed in “Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership”. More than random solutions, Dr. Madana simply presents a powerful way of leading your life. A life demonstrated by the greatest leader who walked on earth. None other than Jesus Christ!

Universally applicable – be it in the context of the Church, Not-for-profit organization or for that matter in the business world, everyone will benefit from reading this book. Don’t read it just once. Read it several times. You will be surprised as to what you can discover, learn, implement and experience with these timeless principles. Definitely practical even during these challenging times posed by the current global pandemic. Enjoy.

Ronald Raj S J
Founder & CEO – ThoughtCapital®,

CEO & 10X Growth Coach, India Partner – The Global Leadership Summit

The model of servant leadership, the way that was taught and modelled by Jesus Christ, is making its mark even in the marketplace. In this refreshing study, Dr. Madana Kumar’s presents the topic of ‘servant leadership’ studied through the Christological lens of “Not so with you”. It comes with sound biblical reflection and the deep practical insight that is sure to have a transforming impact on the readers.

I would highly recommend this book as an important resource for all seminary level courses on leadership. The Addendum with practical tools for application is invaluable resource for personal as well as institutional application, with further support that is guaranteed to bring about remarkable change in the organizational culture for Christian and secular enterprises that care to grow from survival to significance.

Rev. Pravinkumar Israel,
President, Centre for Global Leadership Development (formerly known as SABC), Bangalore, INDIA.

The concept of leadership has been hijacked since the fall of Satan, and this book helps Christian leaders redeem it in their everyday lives. From a very relevant historical study of where the Church lost its way in modeling what God designed, to the highly practical example of Jesus as the ultimate servant leader, Dr. Kumar lays out a prescriptive framework that inspires and transforms. If you’ve been looking to take your leadership journey to a whole new level, grab your highlighter and get ready to receive breakthrough insight and practical tips on how to become the leader God intended you to be.

Joe Abraham
TedX Speaker. Author, Entrepreneurial DNA. Host, The Uncommon Business Podcast

Here is a treasure trove of tools for anyone who wants to apply the Jesus model of leadership and is asking the question – how? Madana goes beyond theoretical frameworks and gives us a mirror that enables us to ‘observe’ in ourselves the presence or absence of the ‘servant leader’ behaviours. To back this up he leads us on a journey through Scripture and the history of the Church, alerting us to the dreadful folly of misusing power and money in ungodly and self-serving ways. You cannot read this book without being challenged and inspired by the suprarational standards of Jesus.

Arpit Waghmare
National Coordinator, Operation Nehemiah

Tracing leadership through the pages of history and expounding on the leadership sketch, the author presents the scriptural prescription for a leader, drawing insightful lessons including what the leader should not do. The narrative is scripted from a pioneering practitioner’s vantage point and thus thought provoking and practical. He addresses the subject sensitively with profound wisdom and panache. Unfolding four core tenets of leadership in a world that scrambles for success, the author redefines the paradigm by getting you to wear the lens of significance – a shift that alters your worldview to that of the ace Servant Leader. The work is incisive, insightful and inspiring, a must read for both taking baby steps in leadership and the more evolved leaders. Highly recommended!

Dr. Pearl John
Executive Director, Logos Management, Mumbai

In this book, “Not so with you”, Dr. Madana Kumar brings out beautifully the character, conduct and the credibility of a Christian leader.  The book emphasizes on leadership that is shaped by the word of God. It will not only add to your understanding of servant leadership but will certainly want you to practice and make you want to model a life after Jesus Christ, the servant leader. If you are asking, “how can I be an effective leader in my area of influence “? and have a keen desire to bring the best in people, then this book is for you!

National Director , FEBA INDIA

Not-So-With-You is a book on leadership with a difference! With these four words, “Not so with you,” Jesus turned the values of the world upside down. Likewise, Madana Kumar invites you to lead differently and live differently in the new Normal. The author challenges conventional notions of leadership and shares a unique understanding of what it means to be a leader. He draws biblical imperatives describing the use of power “with” people rather than “over them”; “other-centered” instead of self-centered leaders; living and leading by value, and calling for those who pursue significance than success. Kumar explores a 3-7-10 framework – read “three imperatives, seven behaviours and ten attitudes” to help readers translate the book to the present context. He offers valuable, practical insights into being a servant leader and making it work while avoiding fallacies of the past. A must-read for anyone who aspires to be a leader in any sphere of life.

Dr. Finny Philip, PhD
Principal, Filadelfia Bible College, Udaipur. Mission Director,
Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India. Member, International Board Lausanne Movement

Every organization, Christian or secular, has been forced to reinvent themselves in the light of the new normal. Core values, practices, principles are being re-examined. The book NOT SO WITH YOU by Dr. Madana Kumar will enable you to engage with the secret of remaining relevant today and in any changing circumstance. The principle of Servant Leadership as pointed out is timeless and critical to an individual, organization, ministry and church being significant, as our Lord Jesus Christ intended us to be. Dr. Madana has beautifully laid out the imperatives, behaviour and attributes that will drive such kind of leadership, all of which is firmly based on the scriptures, which is our only sure source of eternal truth. Please do read it thoughtfully, determined to apply it in your life in greater measure. I am personally excited to see the refining work of God in me, as I apply these principles in my life.

Dr. Jerry George Mathew,
Principal, Clarence High School, Bangalore

The world and church at large finds itself in a very difficult situation right now. There is economic depression, poverty, the COVID-19 pandemic and a plethora of weak, self serving leaders who are jostling for power, greed, corruption, wealth accumulation and all sorts of things contrary to what God called for in the church – the bride of Christ. Even in the church today, we find leaders ‘lording’ over the people of God which is contrary to the ‘Not So With You’ instruction of Jesus. The title of this book just grabs me as I believe that servant leadership was founded by Jesus Christ. Jesus was very clear and direct with what leadership was all about and ‘Not so with You’ is the X factor for me. The traditional pyramid hierarchy leadership of command and control must be inverted to washing the feet of others…serve first, lead second. This book is a powerful message of the true nature of what leadership means and how to use practical wisdom from biblical reference through Gods word to serve rather than being served. Every believer of Jesus Christ needs to read this book to be aligned to what Jesus said about how to lead.

Dr Madana is a seasoned servant of the Lord whom I’ve had the privilege of meeting and hearing his heart too. He not only talks servant leadership, he genuinely lives it. His research and biblical facts are well articulated and is intellectually and spiritually stimulating and inspiring.

I would recommend and endorse this book to everyone who desires to know and understand what leadership is all about. There are too many fake servant leadership models floating around. I believe that this is one of books you need to read to understand what true servant leadership is all about and so needed right now by the church and everyone for that matter.

Think about it…there’s a worlds view and then there’s a ‘Not So With You’ / ‘Jesus’ view. I choose the Jesus view!

Well done Dr Madana! Love and appreciate you

Jayson Naidoo
Chief Encouragement Officer, LeaderServe Consulting Inc., South Africa

“Become great by becoming small” and “Go up by climbing down” are Jesus-paradoxes which shaped the New Testament thinking. It was so revolutionary that the world was forced to sit up take note! We in the 21st century church need to be reminded of this. We are to be different; we are to march to a different drumbeat. “Yes, Lord, not so – for us!”

Dr Madana Kumar has done just that. This life changing teaching of Servant Leadership has been presented in a historic and in a contemporary context. May the Spirit of God lead us into ‘all truth’ which includes this precious scriptural imperative.

Dr. Naveen Thomas
Director (CEO) , Bangalore Baptist Hospital

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